File talk:Dante Pd10 Kopenhagen MS Thott 411.2.jpg

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I'm not sure about the identification of Siger of Brabant (Sigier von Paris) as the top-right figure in red. It seems to me that he is on the bottom-right in white. The names of canto X in order seem to map the figures in this way: Thomas Aquinas appears mid-right in black, with Albert the Great in black above him. Counter-clockwise, it continues: Gratian (bishop & author of 12th c. Decretum Gratiani), Peter Lombard (here is a weak link in my theory; he looks more like Dionysius), Solomon (bearded, looks kingly), Dionysius the Areopagite, Orosius (in brown with book), Boethius, Isidore of Seville (not a bishop or religious), Bede (often depicted with a hat), Richard of St. Victor, Siger of Brabant (Sigier of Paris; beardless because he died young). -- Michaelabril (talk) 17:13, 5 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]