File talk:Map of Colorado counties, blank.svg

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Here are detailed instructions on how to recreate this image. The countyp020.tar.gz archive contains four files, including countyp020.dbf, a DBASE file. I used dbfdump to convert that to text to learn which of the shapes were Colorado counties. I put the numbers in colorado-county-nums, and the names in colorado-county-names. Then I ran

shpdump countyp020.shp |
   proj +ellps=GRS80 +proj=aeqd +lat_0=39.1333 +lon_0=-105.7167 +units=m -f '%.6f' |
   sed "s/^[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\(type\|polygon\|line\|part$\)/\1/" |
  selectshapes colorado-county-nums >;
procshape colorado-county-names > colorado-counties.svg

proj is part of the proj-4.4.9 package.

In order to make the state outline thicker, I also used the state boundaries data file, statesp020.tar.gz (selecting shape 1769).

dbenbenn | talk 01:17, 16 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]