File talk:Minor planet count.svg

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Mark and copy the following text. Paste it into a plain text file. The text file should have an svg extension, for example mychart.svg.

You can check the result here or here.

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  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
  Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor.
  Increase of counted minor planets in the solar system.

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  <text id="legend-text3" x="1.8" y="2.41"> <tspan dy="-0.738px"/>Named minor planets</text>

<!--====== graph data with origin values, you can manually copy or attach the values here ======-->
<!-- modify displacement "translate" -->
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  <!-- graph 6 -->
  <polyline id="graph6-fill" stroke="none" points="
    2013.96  0
    2013.96  6.2795
    2013.88  6.27546
    2013.8   6.25629
    2013.72  6.22814
    2013.64  6.20935
    2013.55  6.20284
    2013.47  6.19845
    2013.31  6.12911
    2013.23  6.11198
    2013.15  6.06575
    2013.07  6.04344
    2012.989 6.00853
    2012.906 5.98461
    2012.825 5.9553
    2012.664 5.88814
    2012.586 5.87172
    2012.505 5.87088
    2012.425 5.86534
    2012.347 5.84686
    2012.263 5.83767
    2012.185 5.82389
    2012.099 5.79619
    2012.022 5.74701
    2011.941 5.73294
    2011.858 5.70041
    2011.78  5.65877
    2011.696 5.62469
    2011.616 5.60021
    2011.538 5.55349
    2011.454 5.53969
    2011.376 5.51851
    2011.376 5.51851
    2011.296 5.50124
    2011.215 5.47187
    2011.129 5.45281
    2011.048 5.42868
    2010.906 5.40573
    2010.726 5.35789
    2010.645 5.351
    2010.567 5.28865
    2010.484 5.23459
    2010.323 5.09758
    2010.245 5.05606
    2010.156 5.02591
    2010.078 4.82419
    2009.997 4.7701
    2009.919 4.73217
    2009.836 4.66538
    2009.758 4.63152
    2009.675 4.60271
    2009.597 4.59235
    2009.516 4.57541
    2009.433 4.56647
    2009.355 4.53491
    2009.272 4.50935
    2009.194 4.4408
    2009.105 4.40422
    2009.027 4.39115
    2008.946 4.36598
    2008.866 4.34524
    2008.71  4.23292
    2008.632 4.21373
    2008.546 4.14507
    2008.462 4.10737
    2008.384 4.07295
    2008.301 4.06193
    2008.22  4.03356
    2008.137 4.00146
    2008.056 3.9741
    2007.978 3.95305
    2007.895 3.93298
    2007.817 3.87205
    2007.734 3.85083
    2007.656 3.81057
    2007.578 3.78546
    2007.495 3.77328
    2007.417 3.76537
    2007.336 3.74256
    2007.253 3.7167
    2007.172 3.6865
    2007.086 3.66291
    2007.013 3.64833
    2006.927 3.62447
    2006.855 3.41328
    2006.772 3.41328
    2006.683 3.41329
    2006.605 3.38097
    2006.527 3.38097
    2006.449 3.29777
    2006.371 3.29777
    2006.282 3.29777
    2006.202 3.29777
    2006.132 3.05224
    2005.954 3.05224
    2005.874 3.05224
    2005.798 2.99733
    2005.712 2.86317
    2005.64  2.86317
    2005.554 2.86317
    2005.473 2.86318
    2005.392 2.7709
    2005.266 2.7709
    2005.145 2.7709
    2005.065 2.64447
    2004.984 2.64447
    2004.901 2.64447
    2004.823 2.64447
    2004.669 2.5616
    2004.661 2.5616
    2004.532 2.51002
    2004.452 2.51002
    2004.341 2.51002
    2004.288 2.43682
    2004.18  2.43682
    2004.097 2.43682
    2004.016 2.3247
    2003.935 2.3247
    2003.855 2.3247
    2003.774 2.25042
    2003.691 2.25042
    2003.597 2.20823
    2003.452 2.20824
    2003.333 2.1593
    2003.212 2.1593
    2003.124 2.14704
    2003.013 2.08572
    2002.884 2.08572
    2002.804 1.98986
    2002.72  1.98986
    2002.64  1.94698
    2002.562 1.87941
    2002.478 1.87941
    2002.401 1.84692
    2002.32  1.75753
    2002.239 1.75753
    2002.153 1.73816
    2002.073 1.69679
    2001.995 1.58311
    2001.911 1.58311
    2001.836 1.46677
    2001.753 1.46677
    2001.669 1.30942
    2001.591 1.27338
    2001.511 1.25544
    2001.43  1.24748
    2001.355 1.21595
    2001.269 1.21595
    2001.188 1.1665
    2001.102 1.1412
    2001.022 1.11107
    2000.944 1.08066
    2000.86  1.0448
    2000.782 1.00957
    2000.699 0.93696
    2000.567 0.87923
    2000.47  0.83809
    2000.392 0.78427
    2000.296 0.72201
    2000.218 0.6884
    2000.14  0.65324
    2000.062 0.62428
    1999.973 0.58282
    1999.892 0.56657
    1999.817 0.55957
    1999.739 0.55062
    1999.664 0.53428
    1999.573 0.53237
    1999.473 0.52346
    1999.341 0.50201
    1999.253 0.49757
    1999.169 0.48995
    1999.086 0.47954
    1999.013 0.47089
    1998.935 0.46445
    1998.858 0.45399
    1998.761 0.43325
    1998.691 0.42198
    1998.602 0.41506
    1998.441 0.40773
    1998.36  0.3967
    1998.277 0.38629
    1998.199 0.37957
    1998.11  0.37556
    1998.03  0.37054
    1997.952 0.36426
    1997.868 0.36035
    1997.79  0.35648
    1997.707 0.35263
    1997.629 0.35028
    1997.551 0.34901
    1997.468 0.34718
    1997.39  0.34554
    1997.306 0.34264
    1997.228 0.336
    1997.14  0.33397
    1997.059 0.33046
    1996.978 0.32526
    1996.898 0.31951
    1996.817 0.31568
    1996.737 0.31318
    1996.656 0.31113
    1996.578 0.30961
    1996.5   0.30849
    1996.417 0.3073
    1996.339 0.30579
    1996.258 0.30331
    1996.177 0.29964
    1996.091 0.29755
    1996.011 0.29508
    1995.933 0.29039
    1995.849 0.28696
    1995.769 0.28286
    1995.688 0.28206
    1995.608 0.28112
    1995.53  0.28037
    1995.449 0.28029
    1995.368 0.27924
    1995.288 0.27766
    1995.288 0
  <!-- graph 5 -->
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    2013.96  0
    2013.96  3.82394
    2013.88  3.80114
    2013.8   3.76705
    2013.72  3.73392
    2013.64  3.69956
    2013.55  3.68149
    2013.47  3.66341
    2013.31  3.63009
    2013.23  3.6019
    2013.15  3.56969
    2013.07  3.53926
    2012.989 3.50441
    2012.906 3.47481
    2012.825 3.44055
    2012.664 3.37008
    2012.586 3.33841
    2012.505 3.33273
    2012.425 3.3147
    2012.347 3.29243
    2012.263 3.26266
    2012.185 3.22611
    2012.099 3.16649
    2012.022 3.12935
    2011.941 3.10376
    2011.858 3.06374
    2011.78  3.01841
    2011.696 2.97233
    2011.616 2.85078
    2011.538 2.83317
    2011.454 2.82027
    2011.376 2.79722
    2011.376 2.79722
    2011.296 2.7549
    2011.215 2.69644
    2011.129 2.67002
    2011.048 2.64258
    2010.906 2.57455
    2010.726 2.51651
    2010.645 2.49567
    2010.567 2.46869
    2010.484 2.43553
    2010.323 2.39797
    2010.245 2.3736
    2010.156 2.33968
    2010.078 2.31665
    2009.997 2.29914
    2009.919 2.28203
    2009.836 2.25276
    2009.758 2.21945
    2009.675 2.19018
    2009.597 2.17627
    2009.516 2.16916
    2009.433 2.16463
    2009.355 2.15098
    2009.272 2.12999
    2009.194 2.10454
    2009.105 2.07942
    2009.027 2.04962
    2008.946 2.02885
    2008.866 2.00083
    2008.71  1.9228
    2008.632 1.90281
    2008.546 1.89407
    2008.462 1.89005
    2008.384 1.87745
    2008.301 1.85655
    2008.22  1.81699
    2008.137 1.78283
    2008.056 1.75658
    2007.978 1.73116
    2007.895 1.71475
    2007.817 1.68313
    2007.734 1.64612
    2007.656 1.61988
    2007.578 1.60508
    2007.495 1.60015
    2007.417 1.59366
    2007.336 1.57788
    2007.253 1.55368
    2007.172 1.52554
    2007.086 1.50106
    2007.013 1.47951
    2006.927 1.45705
    2006.855 1.36563
    2006.772 1.36563
    2006.683 1.36563
    2006.605 1.34339
    2006.527 1.34339
    2006.449 1.29436
    2006.371 1.29436
    2006.282 1.29436
    2006.202 1.29436
    2006.132 1.20437
    2005.954 1.20437
    2005.874 1.20437
    2005.798 1.18161
    2005.712 0.99947
    2005.64  0.99947
    2005.554 0.99947
    2005.473 0.99947
    2005.392 0.99906
    2005.266 0.99906
    2005.145 0.99906
    2005.065 0.96154
    2004.984 0.96154
    2004.901 0.96154
    2004.823 0.96154
    2004.669 0.90671
    2004.661 0.90671
    2004.532 0.85117
    2004.452 0.85117
    2004.341 0.85117
    2004.288 0.79084
    2004.18  0.79084
    2004.097 0.79084
    2004.016 0.73636
    2003.935 0.73636
    2003.855 0.73636
    2003.774 0.69229
    2003.691 0.69229
    2003.597 0.65634
    2003.452 0.65634
    2003.333 0.58092
    2003.212 0.58092
    2003.124 0.55719
    2003.013 0.52224
    2002.884 0.52224
    2002.804 0.4838
    2002.72  0.4838
    2002.64  0.46511
    2002.562 0.43721
    2002.478 0.43721
    2002.401 0.42463
    2002.32  0.39462
    2002.239 0.39462
    2002.153 0.37526
    2002.073 0.34992
    2001.995 0.32729
    2001.911 0.32729
    2001.836 0.30716
    2001.753 0.30716
    2001.669 0.29074
    2001.591 0.27654
    2001.511 0.26791
    2001.43  0.26073
    2001.355 0.24599
    2001.269 0.24599
    2001.188 0.23399
    2001.102 0.22248
    2001.022 0.20957
    2000.944 0.1991
    2000.86  0.19078
    2000.782 0.18283
    2000.699 0.17349
    2000.567 0.16349
    2000.47  0.15668
    2000.392 0.15197
    2000.296 0.14788
    2000.218 0.14308
    2000.14  0.13902
    2000.062 0.13472
    1999.973 0.12971
    1999.892 0.12656
    1999.817 0.1218
    1999.739 0.11779
    1999.664 0.11433
    1999.573 0.11248
    1999.473 0.10986
    1999.341 0.10666
    1999.253 0.10448
    1999.169 0.10257
    1999.086 0.09999
    1999.013 0.09913
    1998.935 0.09826
    1998.858 0.09709
    1998.761 0.09511
    1998.691 0.09259
    1998.602 0.09142
    1998.441 0.0898
    1998.36  0.08777
    1998.277 0.08603
    1998.199 0.08443
    1998.11  0.08319
    1998.03  0.0824
    1997.952 0.08125
    1997.868 0.08058
    1997.79  0.07974
    1997.707 0.07908
    1997.629 0.07855
    1997.551 0.07805
    1997.468 0.07722
    1997.39  0.07691
    1997.306 0.07625
    1997.228 0.07541
    1997.14  0.07508
    1997.059 0.07447
    1996.978 0.07367
    1996.898 0.07316
    1996.817 0.07266
    1996.737 0.07212
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    1996.011 0.06807
    1995.933 0.06752
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    2004.532 0.11559
    2004.452 0.11477
    2004.341 0.11302
    2004.288 0.11242
    2004.18  0.11177
    2004.097 0.11084
    2004.016 0.11084
    2003.935 0.11008
    2003.855 0.11008
    2003.774 0.10889
    2003.691 0.1082
    2003.597 0.10766
    2003.452 0.10672
    2003.333 0.10573
    2003.212 0.10395
    2003.124 0.10255
    2003.013 0.1019
    2002.884 0.10038
    2002.804 0.09911
    2002.72  0.09837
    2002.64  0.09753
    2002.562 0.09753
    2002.478 0.09576
    2002.401 0.09456
    2002.32  0.09213
    2002.239 0.09213
    2002.153 0.09098
    2002.073 0.0902
    2001.995 0.08982
    2001.911 0.08956
    2001.836 0.08914
    2001.753 0.08914
    2001.669 0.0883
    2001.591 0.08778
    2001.511 0.08655
    2001.43  0.0854
    2001.355 0.08334
    2001.269 0.08334
    2001.188 0.08334
    2001.102 0.08104
    2001.022 0.08104
    2000.944 0.07956
    2000.86  0.07956
    2000.782 0.07838
    2000.699 0.07705
    2000.567 0.07705
    2000.47  0.07568
    2000.392 0.07568
    2000.296 0.07369
    2000.218 0.07369
    2000.14  0.07212
    2000.062 0.07212
    1999.973 0.07085
    1999.892 0.07085
    1999.817 0.06967
    1999.739 0.06967
    1999.664 0.06898
    1999.573 0.06898
    1999.473 0.06729
    1999.341 0.06729
    1999.253 0.06533
    1999.169 0.0631
    1999.086 0.0631
    1999.013 0.06145
    1998.935 0.06145
    1998.858 0.06085
    1998.761 0.06085
    1998.691 0.0602
    1998.602 0.0602
    1998.441 0.05938
    1998.36  0.05898
    1998.277 0.05898
    1998.199 0.0585
    1998.11  0.0585
    1998.03  0.05802
    1997.952 0.05802
    1997.868 0.05747
    1997.79  0.05747
    1997.707 0.05675
    1997.629 0.05675
    1997.551 0.05622
    1997.468 0.05622
    1997.39  0.05544
    1997.306 0.05544
    1997.228 0.05498
    1997.14  0.05498
    1997.059 0.05406
    1996.978 0.05406
    1996.898 0.05381
    1996.817 0.05381
    1996.737 0.05359
    1996.656 0.05359
    1996.578 0.05313
    1996.5   0.05313
    1996.417 0.05249
    1996.339 0.05208
    1996.258 0.05127
    1996.177 0.05073
    1996.091 0.04999
    1996.011 0.04999
    1995.933 0.04974
    1995.849 0.04974
    1995.769 0.04921
    1995.688 0.04921
    1995.608 0.04884
    1995.53  0.04884
    1995.449 0.04846
    1995.368 0.04846
    1995.288 0.0482
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Bad Russian translation


It should be:

Нумерованных малых планет
Именованных малых планет

Although, it is not necessary have to be casus genetivus, so the last two could be:

Нумерованные малые планеты
Именованные малые планеты

P. S. BTW, "планетка" ("планеток" in genetive) sounds kinda neat :) But the term for "minor planet" is "малая планета" only.

--Mimocrocodylus mimocrocodylus (19:33, 30 August 2016 (UTC)) — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:33, 30 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]