File talk:Operation 1027.svg

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Legend/verifiability of non-1027 areas


@Clyde H. Mapping I cross-referencied Operation 1027 sources from the en wiki page, it appears to align quite accurately with the current situation in reported locations. Thank you so much for that work!

However, discrepancies exist, especially in areas marked as Junta-controlled, which do not accurately reflect the broader context of the Myanmar civil war. Notably, Chin State is predominantly under CDF-aligned forces, parts of western Kachin have increased contestation by the KIA. The UWSA and some south/central Shan groups' territories remain outside junta control, and the Pinlebu area is contested by the PDF. There's possibly more, of course. As of now, the map seems fitting for depicting the specifics of Operation 1027 and its progress. It would be great if someone could cross-reference all map areas with respective sources, but for now, I've adjusted the key to reflect these insights. Let me know if you disagree with my analysis and change. EmeraldRange (talk) 14:27, 9 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, the map is not sufficiently referenced enough to represent the wider civil war, just this specific phase. For now I do not intend to try and go further than that; Myanmar civil war (2021–present) townships map.svg is probably the most accurate we can get given the uncertainty from lack of coverage. Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 17:28, 9 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Map extent


Based on the content in the corresponding article, it seems the operation expands beyond the part of Myanmar currently covered by this map. Is there a chance the map could be expanded to include places such as Rakhine? Furthermore, since operation 1107 in Kayah state (with one group also operating in Kayin) was launched in support of 1027 and can be seen as closely related, if not effectively being part of the same general offensive, should the map perhaps be expanded to also include these areas? Vif12vf/Tiberius (talk) 21:24, 17 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

I will expand this map if more areas beyond the border region see consistent fighting on behalf of the TBA as a result of the operation (not as a result of the civil war, per my reply above mapping the whole civil war is not in this file's scope). Operation 1107 may warrant another map since most AA attacks are concentrated in Kayah. Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 11:25, 18 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
this map shows areas that are under rebel control that are under the wa state not the tatmadaw or the rebels. 14:56, 21 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Guess I should add that the Arakan Army, which is one of the 3 main participants, is chiefly active in Arakan/Rakhine, and the article about the operation does cover their activities at home. Vif12vf/Tiberius (talk) 20:49, 25 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]



The map is quite outdated, the rebels control as of now 19 towns instead of 11 that is showed in map, can anyone update it? Lucasoliveira653 (talk) 19:45, 6 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Change Laukkai location


The location of the town Laukkai on the map is wrong. It is east of the Salween River, instead of west. Please correct it. Windywendi (talk) 20:54, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]



Anyway to merge this file with File:Myanmar_civil_war.svg and use that file like the Russian invasion of Ukraine pages do? -2603:6011:7401:351C:E952:E639:E614:649A 16:00, 7 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done: No, because this map specifically covers Operation 1027. An operation part of the larger civil war, but still a separate entity that deserves its own map. Hope this reply was helpful, cheers! Johnson524 (talk) 02:14, 8 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Territories held pre-Operation 1027


The territories in Kachin Region, around Laiza, have been held by the KIA since before the operation, and Kyadet has been held by rebel forces since before the offensive as well. Could the map possibly indicate which territories were rebel-held before the offensive, as contrasted with the gains made since the operation began? CrazyMagicPickle (talk) 02:26, 19 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done: I have included a new color in the legend (already used for Wa State) to denote pre-operation rebel control. Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 14:04, 19 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Update for recent developments + resize?


Given the recent outbreak of fighting in Northern Shan in a "second phase" of Operation 1027, this map is probably due for an update. TBA forces have completely encircled Lashio and control most of the territory marked as disputed in the map. They also now control Kyaukme, as well as most of the territory north of it between Mogok. Resistance forces have advanced also into Mandalay Region, clashing near towns like Madaya and Singu. The eastern part of Mogok is now under rebel control as well. In Kachin, the KIA has seized more territory along the border with China and Shan and is also pushing in to Momauk and Mansi - although it is not directly contesting Bhamo as shown on the map currently. The KIA does control most territory north and south of those three cities though. In addition, I'd suggest making the dark red previously held portion around Laiza green, because it's become more apparent that a lot of this territory was not under their control until their recent offensives this year. The Myanmar civil war detailed map has a fairly accurate depiction of territorial control for reference.

However, I would also like to suggest that the map be shrunk to only show Northern Shan state, as well as the adjacent parts of Mandalay Region and Kachin State that are relevent to the offensive. Territories in Sagaing Region are outside of the scope of Operation 1027, and most of the contested towns shown on the map have been so since the early days of the war, so depicting them as "gained" during the operation is misleading. Just a thought - let me know what you think! CrazyMagicPickle (talk) 03:24, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 22:53, 8 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Clyde H. Mapping @CrazyMagicPickle Should there be a different version of this file? I think the original file from before 8 August was useful to demonstrated the first phase. Perhaps the new file should be other a different name. EmeraldRange (talk) 21:24, 11 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Possibly, although another option could be to show the gains from phase 1 and phase 2 in two different colors to distinguish them. CrazyMagicPickle (talk) 02:34, 12 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I like this idea, but I mostly came out of this from seeing the image in the October section of the article update to the current image- which confuses readers EmeraldRange (talk) 18:35, 12 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Well creating a new map for pre-phase 2 shouldn't be difficult - just use the second-most recent revision for Clyde's (although I'll wait to see if he wants to create it given that he clearly deserves the credit.) CrazyMagicPickle (talk) 22:39, 12 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, if need be I can edit this to reflect the situation at the end of the first phase + copy it over with new gains as of August. Establishing consensus for this on the wiki article might be useful since currently the infobox shows Operation 1027 as one continuous event. Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 05:38, 15 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
While it is kind of one continuous event, the ceasefire that lasted around 5 months effectively broke it into two phases, as acknowledged by the groups participating in the offensive themselves. While this file can remain all the gains made by rebel forces, an additional map that shows the gains before the ceasefire would help to showcase what progress was made before and after that period of calm. CrazyMagicPickle (talk) 18:08, 19 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Map is incorrect


The “pre-Operation 1027” colours on the map are incorrect, as resistance controlled much of the Northern Shan countryside for years before the operation commenced. Of course, there aren’t many reliable sources showing EAO control before 1027, but I found a good map. Thomas Van Linge made an August 2023 map (2 months before 1027).

With this map I made my own map on a drawing app I have. I tried to make it look as close to the Wikipedia style as possible. IdioticAnarchist (talk) 00:41, 27 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 07:14, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Map color


Just making a note that I have changed the color used to represent territories continuously held by rebels to another shade of green, coinciding with the more precise territorial depiction. I thought the previous color was a bit deceptive. If anyone has a better/colorblind-friendly suggestion, let me know. Clyde H. Mapping (talk) 07:25, 4 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]