File talk:Tagebau Garzweiler Panorama 2005.jpg

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* I removed this picture from POTD since it did not achieved FP Status on Commons. --S23678 (talk) 06:35, 3 November 2008 (UTC) [reply]

fantastic picture! congrats! tetraktys (talk) 02:42, 11 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]



{{es|Panorama de una mina a cielo abierto en [[:w:es:Renania del Norte-Westfalia|Renania del Norte-Westfalia]], [[:w:es:Alemania|Alemania]]}} Gons (¿Digame?) 16:47, 11 February 2009 (UTC).[reply]

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Terms of license complied with."Keine neuen Tagebaue!". campact.

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Terms of license complied with.Red Blogia (2008-10-02). "Explotación minera y contaminación". ZonaCatastrofica.

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Terms of license complied with.Manfred Richey (2010-06-15). "Biowasserstoff-Magazin. Energie für neues Denken. 19. Ausgabe". Biowasserstoff-Magazin.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:
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Terms of license complied with. (2010-10-01). "Bodenschätze". GLOKAL change - Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Abteilung Geographie.
As texture of the header of all pages of this sesction; name and license in imprint

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Terms of license complied with.jgurian (2010-11-01). "Company Man". Paris: Go Scarf or Go Home.

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Terms of license complied with.Windkraft und Landschaftsästhetik in Bayern (in de) (PDF) 2. Bayerische Akademie Ländlicher Raum (2010-11-18). Retrieved on 2010-12-23.

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Terms of license complied with.Plan de Estudios GRADO EN INGENIERÍA DE TECNOLOGÍAS MINERAS (in es) (PDF). Universidad de Oviedo. Retrieved on 2011-02-12.
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Terms of license complied with.Dieter Lohmann; Nadja Podbregar (2 November 2011) (in German) Im Fokus: Bodenschätze: Die Jagd nach Seltenen Erden und anderen Rohstoffen, Springer Verlag, p. 52 Retrieved on 13 May 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22611-3. ISBN: 9783642226106.

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Terms of license complied with.Teodoro Bustamante; Rommel Lara (2010) "Posturas frente a la nueva política minera" in (in Spanish) Matices para pensar la mineria en Ecuador, Ecuador: Flacso-Sede, p. 128 Retrieved on 13 May 2012. ISBN: 9789978370131.
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Terms of license complied with.Joshua Zapf (2012-07-16). World's biggest open-pit mines (in en). Retrieved on 2012-08-07.
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Terms of license complied with.Mining Industry Mobile Sensor / System Advantages (in en) (PDF) 12. / MiMoS / Society of Mining Professors. Retrieved on 2012-09-01.

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Terms of license complied with.L’Impact des Mines et de l’Exploitation Minière sur l’environnement et la pollution (in fr). / Economie Solidaire (2012-09-21). Retrieved on 2012-09-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Mining Scam : Illegal mining-losses between Rs 20k to 30k crore (in en). / (2012-12-28). Retrieved on 2013-01-01.
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  • 2013-01-01: Blog comment added
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Terms of license complied with.Otmar Luttmann. "Energiewende". Kurt's 18 (3-2013). Hennef: Kurhaus im Park und Haus Tusculum. Retrieved on 2013-03-07.

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Terms of license complied with.Alt - Priesterather »Weltgeschichte« (in de) (PDF) 6. / Erwin Cremer. Retrieved on 2013-05-17.
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Terms of license complied with.Explotación minera y contaminación (in es). (2008-10-02). Retrieved on 2013-06-14.
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Terms of license complied with.Matthias Weyland (2013-10-09). Kohle-Lobby und EE-Rekord (in de). / .ausgestrahlt e.V.. Retrieved on 2013-10-09.

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Terms of license complied with.Wolfgang Denk (2013-10-24). Atomausstieg in Deutschland – Vorbild für die Schweiz? - Impressionen Garzweiler I Panorama (in de) 11. / Forumstreff Nuklearforum / Alpiq Suisse SA. Retrieved on 2013-10-29.

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Terms of license complied with.ИЗМУТДИНОВ (2013-06-19). В Кузбассе произошло самое сильное за 100 лет региональное землетрясение (in ru). Retrieved on 2013-11-17.
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Terms of license complied with.Wolfgang Denk (2013-11-14). Atomausstieg in Deutschland – Vorbild für die Schweiz? - Impressionen Garzweiler I Panorama (in de) 11. / Forumstreff Nuklearforum / Alpiq Suisse SA. Retrieved on 2013-11-18.

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Terms of license complied with.ARATIRI No te quiero en Uruguay (2012-10-14). Mina Garzweiler, Alemania (in es). Retrieved on 2014-07-15.
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  • 2014-07-15: Comment added
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Terms of license complied with.ARATIRI No te quiero en Uruguay (2012-10-14). Mina Garzweiler, Alemania (in es). Retrieved on 2014-07-15.
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  • 2014-07-15: Comment added
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Terms of license complied with.ARATIRI No te quiero en Uruguay (2012-10-14). Titelbilder (in es). Retrieved on 2014-07-15.
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  • 2014-07-15: Comment added
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Terms of license complied with.LA EXPLOTACIÓN MINERA Y LA CONTAMINACIÓN (in es) (pdf). Retrieved on 2014-09-25.

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Terms of license complied with.(banner on title page) (in en). Retrieved on 2015-02-03.
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Terms of license complied with.Wilfried Gierden. Windkraft: Strom JA – aber bitte nicht vor Ort (in de). / Gierden M-C-I. Retrieved on 2015-03-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Windkraft vor Ort – Potential nutzen und Energiewende vorantreiben (in de). / Wilfried Gierden (2015-03-05). Retrieved on 2015-03-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Tausende Demonstranten zu Menschenkette für Klimaschutz und gegen Braunkohle erwartet (in de). / Heindl Server GmbH (2015-04-24). Retrieved on 2015-04-26.
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Terms of license not complied with.Herbert Troff (2013-10-22). Einflüsse von Windkraftanlagen auf den Wert von Immobilien und Grundstücken - Braunkohle-Tagebaugebiet – Garzweiler (NRW) (in de) (PDF). Retrieved on 2015-05-21.
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Terms of license complied with.RICHARD A. KERR. "How Much Coal Remains?". Science (2009-03-13): 1420. Washington, DC: Arnerican Association for the Advancement of Science. ISSN 0036-8075. Retrieved on 2009-03-31.

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Terms of license complied with.KO MOŽE DA PARKIRA OVO ČUDOVIŠTE? Ovo je najveće vozilo na svetu (VIDEO) (in bs). (2015-06-05). Retrieved on 2015-06-11.
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Terms of license complied with.(in German) (December 2012) Weihnachtskarte, RWE Power AG, Abteilung Gebirgs- und Bodenmechanik, p. 2,3 Retrieved on 7 December 2012.

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Terms of license complied with.3. Ostdeutsches Energieforum (in de). / VEE Sachsen e.V. Vereinigung zur Förderung der Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien (2015-09-18). Retrieved on 2015-10-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Staatskonzern RWE kann nicht mit Geld umgehen (in de). / Dr. Stephan Erdmann (2016-02-18). Retrieved on 2016-04-05.

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Terms of license complied with.Stromexporte und Billigsprit lassen CO2-Ausstoß 2015 auf 908 Mio. t steigen (in de). / Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Energiekonversion (2016-03-19). Retrieved on 2016-04-24.

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Terms of license not complied with.Birgit Franchy (04/05 2016). "„Bis das Licht ausgeht“". KingKalli 13 (75): 17. Aachen: Verlag um die Ecke. Retrieved on 2016-05-10.
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Terms of license complied with.Rot-Grün besiegelt das Auslaufen von Garzweiler II (in de). / Markus Arlt (2016-07-06). Retrieved on 2016-10-04.

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Terms of license complied with.Кристина Левчук (2016-08-10). Человечество живет в долг у планеты (in ru). Retrieved on 2016-11-09.

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Terms of license complied with.Arbeitsstelle Frieden und Umwelt (in de). / Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz. Retrieved on 2017-05-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Der Fluch der DDR (in de). / Stephan Erdmann (2017-08-06). Retrieved on 2017-08-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Norbert Welsch, Jürgen Schwab, Claus Chr. Liebmann (2017) "KAPITEL 12 Einfluss des Menschen" in (in German) Erde und Leben, Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, p. 290 Retrieved on 16 November 2017. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-53869-2. ISBN: 978-3-662-53868-5.

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Terms of license complied with.Klima-Imperator (in de). / Alexander Eckerlin (2018-02-08). Retrieved on 2018-02-14.

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Terms of license complied with.Umwelt (in de). / Informationsvermittlung Dr. Werner Tiesbohnenkamp. Retrieved on 2018-02-19.

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Terms of license complied with.highonthehog (2018-09-08). Nowy Świat Humboldta Na Krawędzi Zniszczenia. Kryzys Górniczy W Wenezueli. (in pl). Retrieved on 2018-09-27.

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Terms of license complied with.MR SLAV2 (2019-11-14). Most Powerful Things Ever (in en). Retrieved on 2019-12-01.
Min 4:06,

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Terms of license complied with.Informationsfahrt in den Braunkohletagebau Garzweiler (in de). / Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V. (2020-02-10). Retrieved on 2020-03-07.

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Terms of license complied with.Globaler Kohleausstieg: Nutzen überwiegt Kosten (in de). / Axel-Peter Funke (2020-03-23). Retrieved on 2020-04-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Does the Enviromental Movement Need A New Strategy? (in en). (2020-05-25). Retrieved on 2020-06-09.

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Terms of license complied with.LAREG Prof. Sören Schöbel. Landschaftsschutz und Windenergie im Wald (Impuls Otterfing) (in de) (PDF) 7. / Energieagentur Ebersberg-München gGmbH. Retrieved on 2021-04-27.

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Terms of license complied with.Landunter (in de). / Dr. Stephan Erdmann (2021-07-16). Retrieved on 2021-07-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Marc Chalamanch (2022-05-30). La tierra sigue girando (in es). Retrieved on 2022-06-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Николай Ольхин (2022-09-09). Умер сам, но как по плану (in ru). Retrieved on 2022-10-21.

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Terms of license complied with.KI und Kapitalismus (11): Urheberrecht (in de). / Dr. Stephan Erdmann (2023-05-05). Retrieved on 2023-ß5-20.